Hi everybody,
I thought I’d share a handful of the lovely responses I’ve gotten to this latest Esquire essay about my time at Camp Lost Boys. I find the range of them delightful.
Subject: Your Esquire article was amazing
Message: As a 60+ Cis man I really loved that article!! I hope you keep on writing on your experiences so that the hate that is out there will disappear..
I enjoy the way people talk about their own lives as well, when responding to me.
Message: Thank you, for a thoroughly enjoyable read. As a cis gay male, I can certainly empathize with the sometimes uncertain feelings about how your authentic self may be received. Since my youth, despite despicable treatment, from the fearful, I chose to always be myself. It has served me well. I got emotional reading of your feelings of joy, at being surrounded with other trans men. For me, they were tears of joy! I’m delighted that you had a great experience. I’m hoping, too, that you will carry those feelings, with you, EVERY day, and EVERYWHERE! Thank you, for sharing this deeply personal and moving experience.
(It does give me hope, to hear from cis men especially.)
Subject: Great article in Esquire
Message: Aloha Sandy,
Great article in Esquire. I'm cis male, and we need to hear all kinds of stories like this. Thanks for opening up and being vulnerable. …
I enjoy hearing from cis women as well of course.
Subject: Beautiful Esquire Article
Message: Sandy, thank you SO MUCH for writing such a beautiful article in Esquire about your experience at camp. I am a cis female who grew up feeling like camp was my safe place and to know that there are opportunities out there for trans men to feel this sense of belonging as well just warmed my heart. Sending you all the love and light as you continue to share such beautiful talents with this world. Thank you.
And as I mentioned last time, I super appreciate the messages I get from trans people and our families. I’ve loved in particular hearing from fellow campers. Like this note sure gave me feels:
…Your article really captured the feeling of camp, and I got teary reading it. Thank you so much for writing it, for my sake as well as for the sake of communicating these things to cis people. I've shared the article with my girlfriend and family. Thank you, and thanks for existing and going to camp and writing! Take care, brother.
But I admit particular pride when I seem to have gotten through to folks who perhaps aren’t as closely connected to these topics already.
Wanted to reach out and tell you how much I enjoyed your interview today with Krys Boyd on Think. You sound like such a nice person and are so articulate and well spoken. I hope the world becomes more accepting of all human beings …
I'm a 67 year old mother/grandmother/etc and all I want for all children is to live in peace, safety, acceptance and love. They should all still clean their damn rooms and cheerfully do their chores, but the devil is in the details. :)
Or as this one, which made me grin.
Subject: Interesting
Message: Hi! I was driving from Tennessee to Oklahoma, bored, tired and hoarse from having a solo car concert when I came across your interview on some radio station, so I decided to see what it was all about. (The camp episode) I was so intrigued, interested and just all around glad I stopped the dial on this particular station when I did. I absolutely loved the interview. As a 'straight female' (if that's what I say, I apologize if it's not) I am a total believer in everyone should be able to live who they are without judgement or being condemned because it doesn't fit into everyone's box, but honestly, your interview opened my eyes even more. Just everything you said really made me stop and think how being trans can be mentally draining. I never even thought about that. I feel like I left the interview with a whole new outlook and learning on someone being transgender. I really appreciated your interview and look forward to your Esquire article and to read your book.
Thank you for sharing your story!
So again, thank you to everyone who takes the time to read and to maybe share my work, if not to write me. I admittedly can’t/don’t respond to most messages I receive these days but know it means a lot regardless when I hear from you.
For the last several years, I’ve printed off my favorite messages I receive. I keep them in a folder on my desk. I don’t really look back at them, but if I’m ever feeling despondent or unconfident for example, the folder is there and its presence helps.
Nice messages dull the pain of the transphobic bullshit that does land in my inbox — as has increased in recent weeks with this piece doing well for example. This is the predictable downside of finding any success these days while trans, I suppose.
So anyway, thank you again to everyone who’s offered support and kindness. It really is what’s helping me today.
One correction: I was mistaken; the issue of The Believer is actually a few weeks away still! It publishes on October 17. Again I have a big feature story in it, a cultural history of electroshock. (!!!) You can pre-order it here or even consider subscribing.
Take care,
p.s. Here was the podcast of me on NPR’s Think talking about the camp essay, in case you wanted to listen.
p.p.s. What’s also Helping Today: My tomatoes, which as I mentioned during that interview more than once (LOL) are perfect, perhaps the best on earth. Sure I am biased but yeah.